My encounter with successful social engineering attack
11/8/2018 9:41 AM - I was getting ready to Office when I received a call from one of our relatives, He was telling me about a hacking attempt on his email address due to which he was unable to receive any mail from yesterday, and an email is sent to all his contacts that he is in a life threatening situation in another country and he need money immediately. As a precaution he has changed his password but the issue didn't resolve. He was worried that his company's email and sensitive information is lost. He inquired if I can help him out since I was working in IT, I felt this was a opportunity for me to see hacking attempt first hand, I wanted to spend some time investigating in it, so I've asked him to share his mail details(Which is highly not recommended but at the situation I couldn't help it) and told him I'm heading to office and will have information by evening. This excitement to see what happened got the better off me, so I stayed back at home logging in...