Importance of enabling Secure and HTTPOnly flag for cookies

Often automated scan results give lot of false positives, some may be legitimate and some are as per design which can be omitted. Most automated scanners give medium level vulnerabilities when the session identifier cookie does not have HTTPOnly and Secure flag enabled.

What exactly is the problem? What happens if these flags are disabled for a session identifier?

Let me explain as follows:

The Httponly flag is an additional property that is added to cookies which helps to mitigate accessing cookie information through XSS. Which means declaring a cookie to httponly will restrict the client side script from accessing the cookie and return an empty string


Consider a web application which doesn't have HTTPOnly flag enabled, auth_token is the session identifier of the application,upon executing the <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> in the application the output would be 

Now let us enable the HTTPOnly flag on the session identifier and execute the same script <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>

As We can observe from the above screenshot the auth_token is not present in the document.cookie accessible to the client script.

The purpose of secure flag on a session identifier is send the cookie in the request only if the connection established between the browser and server is HTTPS, if the connection is HTTP the cookie would not be sent in the client request


Consider a secure web application which uses HTTPS by default  for which secure flag is not set, for exploiting the this vulnerability an attacker may position himself in the same network the user has logged in and send a html file to the user whose source would be 

<img src=""></img>

As we can observe from above the html file sends request to web page but there is something suspicious in this code that is the source of the img tag, it is using http instead of https which means the request would be sent in plain text which can be easily traced using a packet sniffer such as wireshark. Now let us say the auth_token does not have secure flag enabled now user has accessed the above html page after logging in into application, the request would have the auth token cookie sent through plain text but with secure flag enabled the request would not have the auth_token when the connection is made through port 80 the default port for http



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